01101001AM is not a time but a presence. There is never enough time nor words or characters to get everything said and yet the internet allows us to say everything at once. It (01...) is a contracted state of being (Agamben). 01... is all that is yet to be said in language's
— 01 (@01101001AM) September 15, 2024
expanding form. We must dare to disturb the universe, to let the River flow and release the stream of Data. On my iPhone I can stream it all, every corner of the world into my palm. Everything is expanding and contracting at once. We clutch our phones to our chest as passers-by
— 01 (@01101001AM) September 15, 2024
Flow past Us. We think we must protect ourself from one another. Every moment is the end of Time. Everything contains within it Everything and it is all stretch paper thin in the veneer of thousands of screens. I refresh my feed and there is so much to feast upon. The pig arrives
— 01 (@01101001AM) September 15, 2024